Round stalls
Round stalls
Round stalls have been a major part of English fairs for nearly a century. At the height of their popularity they outnumbered rides five to one and even today there are often twice as many round stalls as there are rides. Adapted over the years to take a wide range of games they come in an equally wide range of sizes. The small stall modelled is very much in the Markland style while the larger stall is later and decorated in a post-war Edwin Hall style.
Full size stalls were measured for this design. The drawings and instructions cover two sizes of stall in 1/24th scale. The small stall is 130mm (5¼”) diameter at the base and 190mm (7½”) at the eves (10’ 7” and 15’ 3” in full size). Decorated in the Markland style with details of the game ‘stick-a-packet’. The large stall is 180mm (7”) diameter at the base and 270mm (10½”) at the eves (14’ and 21’ in full size). Fitted with a hoopla table a more modern style of decoration is shown. Both stalls can be finished in a wide range of styles with an equally wide range of games to add variety to the model fairground.
Sets of etched brass brackets are available for this design and cover both small and large stalls. This etch will save the modeler a lot of time as well as providing accurate parts.