Helter Skelter
Helter Skelter
The Helter Skelter is a landmark for any fair. First seen in 1905 they have proved popular both with showmen and fairgoers ever since. This design was measured from the wooden 1932 Orton and Spooner Helter Skelter then owned by Peter Webb. The model is 630mm (25″) tall – 50 feet high in full size and can be built in two forms. An ‘exterior’ form including all the visible detail but where each of the twelve walls is made from one single piece of plywood or a ‘complete’ form with each wall made of five separate panels and full interior including platforms and staircases. The drawings and instructions unravel the geometry of the chute and its construction and how to lay out a chute for any type of Helter Skelter.
Sets of etched brass brackets are available for both models and these will save the builder a considerable amount of time.